Phu Hin Rong Kla national park is is famous destination located between Phitsanulok and Loei, about 130 kilometers from Phitsanulok Province. The route to park is quite steep, extreme care should be exercised in driving. The highest point of the park is 1,617 meters above sea level.
During 1967 to 1982, it was once the stage of armed conflicts between the Royal Thai Army and the CPT. Phu Hin Rong Kla was the perfect location for the CPT to fight the military. Closed mountainous area was superb for an elusive defense until 1982 that the conflict was overcome when Thai government granted amnesty to all the students who had joined the CPT. In 1984, Phu Hin Rong Kla was declared a National Park.
Present day, In winter the park attract tourists with a mist, green trees, waterfalls and cold flowers. Accommodations and tents are available for tourists.
1. The official web site for Thailand travel http://www.tourismthailand.org/
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